Salt Cave

What is a Salt Cave?


/ 45 Min. Service

A salt cave is a manmade structure designed to mimic the salt mines in Eastern Europe and Russia. Although mining is notoriously bad for human health, research has shown that miners that worked in salt caves rarely had respiratory issues and had healthier skin. Respiratory benefits were also observed during WWII from people that hid in salt mines during the bombings. These observations led researchers to develop “halotherapy devices,” which mimic the crushing and grinding of salt that release the small particles into the air. This device blows the particles into the salt boulder filled room, which keeps humidity levels low and consistent providing the beneficial affects of a natural salt cave.

Salt Cave Benefits

Comfy light clothing is ideal. We also provide comfortable robes to change in and out of while using our wellness services.

Preferably not as metal could be damaged or get lost in our salt covered floor so we ask persons to remove jewelry before entering the salt cave.

Phone’s are not allowed in the salt cave. The Salt Cave neutralizes the positive ions that we pick up from everyday electronic devices like cell phones, tablets, computers, etc. It stabilizes mood, decreases stress and prepares the body for ultimate healing.

Salt is a very strong anti-bacterial and anti-microbial agent providing a sterile environment as are the negative ions created by the lit salt lamps.
Yes! It is like spending the day at the beach.
Absolutely yes! We offer a discount for kids under 12!

As the salt brine streams over the rock salts, a salt mist is released into the atmosphere, adding to the salt aerosol, further enhancing the therapeutic benefit of your salt cave.

Private Group Sessions

Bring up to 10 people to experience our Services in a group setting.  This is a great way to enjoy the wellness benefits of the Salt Cave, groups can also split up and experience our other wellness services including Red Light Therapy, Fitness Pod, and Sauna.


Essence Cafe

While you experience one of our wellness services enjoy service from our Essence Cafe.  Indulge in a cup of coffee, organic smoothie, or a locally sourced juice or baked good. 

Make An Appointment